Invited Speaker: Sheffield City Leadership Programme
The Sheffield City Leadership Programme is an innovative programme developed by Sheffield City Region for Sheffield City Region. It enable aspiring leaders to undertake a 'bespoke' postgraduate certificate programme which brings together the requirement of the City Region, the expertise of two Universities, combines theory and practice, requires participants from a range of agencies across a City Region to develop new and innovative way of delivering services and working in partnership in an economic climate requiring 'more for less'. The Postgraduate Certificate award is 60 credits or one third of a full Masters. The initial evaluation of the programme is demonstrating significant success and has been nominated by the Universities for two awards. In addition the programme has been included in the 'Leadership in Place' evaluation commissioned by Local Government Improvement and Development. The finding highlight a number of favourable characteristics and features of the Sheffield CRLP.
Professor Rod Nicholson, University of Sheffield
Mr Robin Lowe, Sheffield Hallam University