Invited Speakers

The symposium will feature a number of prominent keynote speakers including the following:-

David Coates

Head of Knowledge Exchange, Technology Strategy Board
"Sharing Knowledge To Mutual Benefit"
Abstract and Pen Picture

Emma Hewitt

Head of KT and Business Development, University of Plymouth and Chair KTP National Forum
"Achieving More with Less through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (Title to be confirmed)" Abstract and Pen Picture

Phil Cooper

A Director of the Electronics, Sensors, Photonics Knowledge Transfer Network (ESP KTN)
"Impact Driven Knowledge Transfer - Experiences of Meeting the Needs of Business and Universities" Abstract and Pen Picture

John Cass

Creative Industries KTN "Unlocking Knowledge Transfer - experiences from the Creative Industries KTN"
Abstract and Pen Picture

Sheffield City Leadership Programme

A presentation from Professor Rod Nicholson, University of Sheffield & Mr Robin Lowe, Sheffield Hallam University
Abstract and Pen Picture

  • Sheffield Hallam University

  • IKT Challenges Special in Exchange Magazine
  • IKT Exchange magazine special on ChallengeKT coming soon...